Why Some Parents Voluntarily Relinquish Custody Rights

Any situation that involves the custody of a child can be painful, stressful, and long. Usually, when people think of custody battles, they think of parents fighting to keep their respective rights over their children, but sometimes the case is a bit more complicated than that. There are some circumstances in which a parent may…

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Who Needs a Prenup in San Antonio?

People often think that prenuptial agreements are only for celebrities and those with a considerable fortune. Here’s a little secret from a San Antonio family law attorney: everyone needs a prenup. You do not have to be rich or famous to protect yourself when you enter a marriage. While having significant assets is a reason…

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Who Keeps the Dog in a Divorce?

Getting a divorce, while oftentimes necessary, is not easy or enjoyable. It can cost a lot of money, time, and emotional labor. Not only do you probably have to find a new living situation, new furniture, and a new life, but you may end up sharing “custody” of the family pets as well as your…

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What Are Third-Party Divorces?

A marriage is between two people who thought they would be spending their lives together. When the marriage is no longer working out, it is time to file for divorce. A divorce is a complex matter, especially when you add children into the mix. The process can become even more convoluted when you add a…

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My Ex Owes Me Child Support; What Can I Do?

By law, child support must be paid until the child turns 18 or graduates high school, whichever one comes later. There may be exceptions, such as if the child has certain disabilities or if he or she is emancipated as a minor by way marriage, military service, or court petition.  If the party that is…

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