Can you ask for spousal maintenance in a Texas divorce?
Divorce is an expensive process. You have to pay for attorneys and the courts’ time. You will also have to split your assets with your spouse. If your spouse is the one who works or who was the primary wage-earner in your family, you may not feel like you can support yourself during or right…
Read MoreCommon law marriage in Texas and your rights
Texas is one of the few states in the nation that still recognize “common law” marriages. Also called a “marriage without formalities” or an “informal marriage,” this is a legal marital relationship that begins without any official acknowledgment or ceremony. Understanding when a common law marriage exists — and what it means later — is…
Read MoreRetirement after divorce
Someone in San Antonio who is getting divorced in their 30s or 40s has a lot of things on their mind. Their retirement is probably not first on the list. Most likely, worrying about things like child custody, who gets to keep the house and other more immediate concerns are taking up more brain cells…
Read MoreWho gets what in a Texas divorce?
Property division following a divorce is a burning issue, and it forms the basis of conflict among many ex-spouses. When the divorcing couple can’t agree on dividing their property between them, the court may step in. Usually, the bone of contention centers around property acquired before or after the marriage. Below, we take a look…
Read MoreWhen does Texas law allow one parent to secure sole custody?
Determining custody of your children may be one of the most emotional and intense parts of your upcoming divorce. Both you and your spouse love your children and probably want to be with them as much as possible. However, love is not the only thing necessary to be a good parent. Patience and time are…
Read MoreSummer travel with children after divorce
For some children, the highlight of the summer is going on vacation. Many parents don’t have to worry about much other than picking the destination and making the plans. If you have split up from your child’s other parent, though, there’s something else you have to worry about. That’s whether or not you can legally…
Read MoreWhat are the Positive Sides of Divorce?
People often focus on the difficulties of divorce. They want to know how long the process is going to take, if they can afford it, how to make things easier on the children, and so on. All of this is important, to be sure. However, it’s also wise to consider the positive sides of a…
Read MoreWhat Happens to Your Military Benefits After You Divorce?
Anybody who has been through a divorce knows that there are a lot of complex issues involved — and a lot of changes will happen. There are some added complexities associated with a military divorce, though. One issue of particular importance to divorcing military spouses is what happens with their military spousal benefits when they…
Read MoreDo You Need a Qualified Domestic Relations Order?
One of the more challenging aspects associated with divorce is the property division process. This is particularly true in high-asset cases. While most couples worry about what will happen with their marital home and vacation properties, they often don’t consider what will become of their retirement accounts. In some cases, each party has their own…
Read MoreHow Can You Make a Divorce Easier When You Have an Infant?
It’s true that the connections children make in their early years matter most in their development. They learn from their parents how to handle stress and react to stimuli. They are taught the very basics of survival as infants and as they grow into toddlers. If you and your spouse are divorcing when your child…
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