How Does the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act Work?

If you are or are a spouse of someone who is on active military duty in San Antonio or elsewhere in the country, educating yourself about the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) is more than worthwhile. The law was created to provide active military members with extra protection and assistance in the event of financial…

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What Is a Texas Standard Possession Order?

One of the most difficult decisions that you will have to make in your divorce is child custody and visitation. You will need to consider many circumstances, like whether your spouse wants primary custody or who the children will live with, if your ex-spouse moves out of state. Fortunately, Texas provides an opportunity for you…

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Considerations for Child Custody and Shared Parenting in San Antonio

If you have children and are facing a divorce or ending a relationship, you probably have questions and concerns about child custody. In Texas, the law refers to child custody and visitation as “possession and access” and presumes that shared parenting benefits children, but does not provide for 50/50 sharing. Instead, the state sets out…

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Can I Get Sole Custody to Keep My Minor Child Safe?

Texas law assumes that when it comes to custody, children benefit from spending time with both parents. However, since the law also requires courts to base custody decisions on the best interests of the child, sole custody may be awarded where one parent presents a danger to the child. The presumption in Texas is that…

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Why Some Parents Voluntarily Relinquish Custody Rights

Any situation that involves the custody of a child can be painful, stressful, and long. Usually, when people think of custody battles, they think of parents fighting to keep their respective rights over their children, but sometimes the case is a bit more complicated than that. There are some circumstances in which a parent may…

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