Handling a breach of contract with a third party

As a business owner, it’s reasonable that you’d have to work with many different entities and individuals. Third parties may provide essential services to your business, such as delivering specific items you sell to your location or delivering the basics to keep your business up and running.  Normally, when you have a contract with another…

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What are the Positive Sides of Divorce?

People often focus on the difficulties of divorce. They want to know how long the process is going to take, if they can afford it, how to make things easier on the children, and so on. All of this is important, to be sure. However, it’s also wise to consider the positive sides of a…

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Does a Recall Mean You Can’t Sue Over a Defective Product?

Defective products come in all shapes and sizes. Sometimes, the company fails to adequately test a product before releasing it to the public, meaning it doesn’t catch major issues. Other times, they may receive defective components or subpar materials that mean that a specific production batch doesn’t meet the standards usually upheld by the company’s…

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What Happens to Your Military Benefits After You Divorce?

Anybody who has been through a divorce knows that there are a lot of complex issues involved — and a lot of changes will happen. There are some added complexities associated with a military divorce, though. One issue of particular importance to divorcing military spouses is what happens with their military spousal benefits when they…

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Is Your Company Accountant Stealing?

As a business owner, you trust your accountant a lot. But what if that trust is mislaid? It’s difficult to consider, especially when you have a long-standing relationship with someone, but that’s precisely when fraud and theft are most likely to occur. After all, someone can hardly defraud your company before they’ve established credibility. Can…

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Do You Need a Qualified Domestic Relations Order?

One of the more challenging aspects associated with divorce is the property division process. This is particularly true in high-asset cases. While most couples worry about what will happen with their marital home and vacation properties, they often don’t consider what will become of their retirement accounts.  In some cases, each party has their own…

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When Should I Consider Updating My Will?

During the occasional neighborhood discussions, the subject of estate planning surfaces. You have a will and are content to know that you are prepared and have put your estate in order for your loved ones. You seem to be all set, and you tell your neighbors so, even though you created your will 15 years…

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How Can You Lower the Cost of Your Divorce?

Divorce, as most people know, is expensive. According to the latest figures, the average cost of a divorce (with no children in the mix) is $15,600. When there are children involved, the cost goes up to $23,500. If that seems like an impossible figure to manage, take heart: Your divorce doesn’t have to cost that…

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