How Does Child Custody Work in Texas?

Divorcing parents usually share the same primary concern about their situation: Who will get custody of their children after the divorce? Texas law is somewhat unique in that custody is called “conservatorship,” and there’s more than one kind. The difference between managing and possessory conservatorship Possessory conservatorship is basically what other states refer to as…

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Organizing Your Estate After a Terminal Diagnosis

If there is one thing that is practically guaranteed in life, it’s that there is no way to predict when you’ll get hurt, fall ill or pass away. For that reason, it’s important to have an estate plan in place. Terminal illnesses create an immediate need to start an estate plan if you don’t already…

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Why Drafting a Joint Will May be a Bad Idea

You have been married to your spouse for decades but have just got around to doing some much-needed estate planning. Since the two of you are close in every aspect of your marital life, you might like the concept of drafting a joint will for the both of you. Many estate planners will advise against…

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Is an Uncontested Divorce the Right Path for You?

Most people know that they don’t want to drag out their divorce or continue to deal with the relationship issues they’re facing indefinitely. They know that they want to do what is fair and get out of their marriage with the assets that they deserve. The majority of divorcing spouses are willing to sit down…

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Will Having a Child Cause Us to Get Divorced?

Your spouse comes to you and says they’re ready to start a family. You tell them you need some time to think about it. And, while you do think about your desire to have children, you also spend that time thinking about the impact such a development could have on your marriage. Will it make…

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Study rates San Antonio as a good city for single divorcees

Being single isn’t always easy, especially if you have been married before. After divorce, you may desire a new relationship but feel worried about getting out there again. If you live in San Antonio, you might be in luck. According to WalletHub, Alamo City is the second-best city in Texas for singles. WalletHub rated more…

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What is Community Property When You Divorce in Texas?

It is common for property division to be the most pressing concern for people divorcing if they don’t have kids. Even for those with children, the outcome of splitting up your assets and debts will have a major impact on your life after the divorce and the quality of life that you can provide for…

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What is the Medicaid Look Back Period?

Individuals who are approaching the senior years need to think about how they will be able to pay for long-term care and medical bills as they age. There are programs available that can help, but some people might find that they are unable to quality for them because of asset or income rules. One of…

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Estate Planning Considerations for New Parents

Having a new baby means that parents have a lot of decisions to make. They might not think about it at the time, but there’s one important plan that many new parents overlook. Setting up an estate plan that sets out the instructions for what’s going to happen if both parents pass away.  Without a…

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