What Happens if You Die Without a Last Will in Texas?

Creating a last will can seem like an unpleasant task, which is one of the reasons that people may put this important process off for too long. For some people, they will wait so long that they never get the opportunity to commit their final wishes to writing, either because they delayed until their health…

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Plan for the Unthinkable to Help Your Children

Parents have a lot things to think about, but they can’t let the plethora of responsibilities and thoughts stop them from planning for their child’s future. One of the most important things they can do for this is to set up a plan for what will happen if both parents pass away. If one parent…

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The Risks of Informal Divorce Changes in Texas

In the months and years after a final divorce decree, it’s not uncommon in many Texas families for some changes to the parenting agreement to be needed. This is especially true when young children are involved, since modifications may become necessary as they age. Or take this as an example: If your income has been…

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Divorce and the Military Lifestyle

To be in the military, you must be committed. This is not an easy lifestyle. It takes work and sacrifice, and that applies even to those who never see combat. It’s simply a more difficult lifestyle, especially for a family, than most other careers provide. For instance, experts point out that many families move at…

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What Does an Agreed or Uncontested Divorce Look Like?

Texas couples who know their marriage isn’t going to last have options. Many people think that the only choice for a divorce is to have the family courts make all the major decisions. However, you and your spouse can speed up the divorce process and reduce how much it costs by filing for an agreed…

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What are the Most Common Reasons that Couples Get Divorced?

Years ago, divorce only occurred in situations where one spouse could prove fault, and the grounds for fault were very restrictive. These days, no-fault divorces have become the standard, which means neither spouse has to prove the other is responsible for the divorce.  For those considering divorce, it is common to wonder if the reason…

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