The Best Present Is Being Present for Your Children

Since the holiday season is arriving very soon, you may have several different thoughts running through your mind. This is natural for co-parents and recently divorced parents who are navigating the difficulties and challenges of sharing their children during the holidays. Regardless of the questions and concerns that you may have or the tough and…

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Calculating Child Support When Your Ex Is Unable to Work

Dealing with child support isn’t always easy, especially when your ex is unable to work. Whether they cannot work due to disability, cannot find a suitable job, or simply refuse to work, you can still collect child support. However, you will need to do a little legwork yourself in order to obtain the payments owed…

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Please Don’t Give Your Kids a Pet for Christmas

When you are looking at and checking off the gifts on your child’s wish list this year, you may notice that they are asking for a pet. Your son may have made it very clear recently to you and your ex-spouse that he really wants a puppy for Christmas. However, you both shrugged it off,…

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Electronic Spyware and Hacking During a Divorce: Don’t Do It

If you’re involved in a tough or contentious divorce here in Texas, you may be tempted to look at your spouse’s text messages, email, or social media to find out what’s really going on. This curiosity is simply human nature and many divorcing spouses experience it when searching for a sense of closure. However, our…

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How to “Be Thankful” When It’s Not Your Year with the Children

With Thanksgiving quickly approaching, you may be thinking about how the holidays may look different this year. This is common among divorced parents who share children together. One parent may get the children for Thanksgiving and Christmas one year, while the other parent gets them the next year. This is a typical compromise that divorced…

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How Can I Prove My Spouse Is Hiding Assets?

Going through a divorce can be stressful, frustrating, mentally taxing, and overwhelming. When you think that your spouse may be hiding assets, it can make the divorce process even more complicated and challenging. No one wants to believe that their spouse has been misleading them. However, hiding assets happens more often than you might think…

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It’s Time to Help Texas’s Relative Caregivers

There are a lot of relative caregivers across the state of Texas. While these individuals do their best to ensure that their relative children do not end up in the foster care system, they find it hard to pay for their medical bills and expenses, school supplies, clothing, and even food. Due to this, many…

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