It’s Time to Help Texas’s Relative Caregivers

There are a lot of relative caregivers across the state of Texas. While these individuals do their best to ensure that their relative children do not end up in the foster care system, they find it hard to pay for their medical bills and expenses, school supplies, clothing, and even food. Due to this, many…

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Does Adultery Really Affect Divorce?

Turn on any radio station and you’re bound to hear a song or two (or 10) about someone’s cheatin’, lyin’ partner. Maybe the lyrics are about the singer’s heartbreak, or maybe they’re about revenge, but they’re ultimately about the betrayal. Art, however, does not always mimic life. And while adultery and cheating are popular themes…

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Texas Is Coming for No-Fault Divorce

Texas was one of the first states in the country to offer no-fault divorce, and it’s worked out pretty well for folks over the last 50 years. Unfortunately, there are some who want to eliminate the option altogether. There have been many statements and opinions – largely by pundits and certain legislators – made recently…

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What Is Parental Alienation?

Parental alienation refers to a situation in which one parent deliberately attempts to undermine or damage the child’s relationship with the other parent, often during or after a divorce or separation. It involves psychological manipulation and tactics that aim to turn the child against the targeted parent. This phenomenon can have serious negative effects on…

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Do Grandparents Have Visitation and Custody Rights in Texas?

The bonds between grandparents and their grandchildren can be incredibly strong and nurturing. However, in certain circumstances, legal issues can arise that challenge these relationships. In the state of Texas, grandparents may seek court-ordered visitation with their grandchildren under specific circumstances outlined in the Texas Family Code. The legal process to pursue visitation rights begins…

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Understanding Divorce in San Antonio

If you’re thinking about getting divorced, it’s important to understand the process and what types of divorces are available to you here in Texas. Divorce involves a lot of paperwork, so it’s important to choose the right documents, and couples can choose from different types of divorces to fit their particular situations and circumstances. Spouses…

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Celebrities Pay Extra Child Support, Too

Determining child support can be one of the more contentious parts of a divorce. It can take weeks or months to nail down all the details to ensure your child will be taken care of properly. You and your spouse must take all possible issues into account, and even then, things might change down the…

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Who Keeps the Vacation House in a Divorce?

When couples are going through a divorce, it often leads to battling and bickering over who gets to keep certain things. Most of these worries involve cars, the family home, children, expensive jewelry and artwork, savings, and businesses. However, one of the most recent common concerns seen in San Antonio divorces are vacation houses. Many…

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Considerations for a Later-in-Life Divorce in San Antonio

The decision to divorce is often a hard one. Even the most amicable splits can have challenges, especially if there are children involved. But the latest divorce trends have nothing to do with young people or couples who haven’t been married long. It’s folks in their parents’ generation who are increasingly deciding to get divorced.…

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