What Are Third-Party Divorces?

A marriage is between two people who thought they would be spending their lives together. When the marriage is no longer working out, it is time to file for divorce. A divorce is a complex matter, especially when you add children into the mix. The process can become even more convoluted when you add a…

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How to Dispute Errors on Your Credit Report

Your credit health is an important factor in how comfortably you will be able to live your life. This number determines what kind of car you will drive, where you live, and even the kind of job you can get. Keeping track of your score and the accuracy of your report is essential to maintaining…

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My Ex Owes Me Child Support; What Can I Do?

By law, child support must be paid until the child turns 18 or graduates high school, whichever one comes later. There may be exceptions, such as if the child has certain disabilities or if he or she is emancipated as a minor by way marriage, military service, or court petition.  If the party that is…

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Filming Police Activity in Texas is Not a Crime

Even though most courts across the country have recognized that citizens have a clear First Amendment right to record police officers in public places, and many police departments have policies in place recognizing that right, police officers across the state are still seizing recording devices and detaining or arresting individuals that record them. Grable Grimshaw…

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What Is the Fair Labor Standards Act?

If you’re employed, then you know that there are certain rules and regulations that your employer has to follow in order to employ you legally. The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is what ensures those rules and regulations are followed. Before the FLSA was passed in 1938, children were working in factories, workers were vastly…

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Can I Modify a Court Order After My Divorce?

Once an Order is entered in a divorce, the property division is final and cannot be modified. If an order is entered with issues regarding your minor children or post-divorce spousal maintenance under Chapter 8 of the Texas Family Code, your order is subject to modification in the future. If your circumstances have materially and…

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How to reduce conflict during a Texas divorce 

Obtaining a divorce is a huge step that requires careful consideration. Frequently, former spouses manage to come to amicable arrangements. In fact, very few divorce cases end up being fully resolved by the courts.  Nevertheless, there are a significant number of divorces that become highly contested. Issues such as child custody, property division, and business…

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3 possible solutions to a lawsuit over a breach of contract 

You write out contracts to protect your company from unreasonable demands and failures by others. When another person or business fails to fulfill its contractual obligations to you or your company, you may suffer significant financial losses.  An employee, supplier or client violating their contract with you could cause real damage and disrupt your daily…

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What financial help can you get after a divorce?

Divorce can hit your funds hard. Not only will you need to pay fees and give up some of the property you once considered yours, but you may also lose future income. Perhaps your spouse earned to help pay the bills, or maybe they provided free childcare so that you could spend more time working…

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